Soundsquare Rentals is all about the joy of sound recording for Film and TV productions.
All tools and accessories are chosen by production sound professionals to suit each customer’s specialized requirements. These include digital recorders (Aaton, Sound Devices, Sony), microphones (Schoeps, Sennheiser, DPA, Sanken, Holophone), wireless systems (Lectrosonics, Sennheiser, Wisycom, Comtek), synchronisation devices (Betso, Denecke, Ambient) and more. There are several complete portable individual recording set ups available, making it possible to cover up to five feature movies / TV dramas and two documentaries at the same time.

This essential tool is available for on set crew communications. The trusted Motorola CP series is provided with all its components (chargers, headsets, spare accumulators and rigid transport cases).

The Sound Mixers who work with us have all studied sound at the Art Schools (FAMU, FAMO) gaining an understanding of the complexities of film sound. All of them come with rich experience in sound, not only from production sets and locations but also from post production.

Soundsquare Rentals is based in-house with Soundsquare Studios therefore the whole creative process for the soundtrack can be overseen by the same team.